Land purchases, 1.056
Law enforcement officers, arrest powers outside jurisdiction, 175.40
Sites to aid, may acquire, 1.05
Structures to improve, 1.02
Obligations, joint tenancy-tenancy in common, law does not apply, 700.22
In house of correction, 303.20
In jail or house of correction, 59.54 (16)
Property, taxation of certain, 70.177
Purchases of materials manufactured in, preferences for, exemptions, 16.754
Sites and buildings, 1.02
Sovereignty in Wisconsin, 1.01
Supreme court, certification of questions of law, 821.01
Authorized, 1.06
Determine county lines, 2.02
Use of Camp Williams, 21.04
Veterans' guardianship act, 880.60
Wildlife refuge, may establish, 1.035
united states land UNITED STATES LAND
Bong air base, natural resources department, authority to acquire, 23.09 (13)
Certificate of consent by governor, 1.04
Exemption from taxation, 1.04
Jurisdiction, retrocession, acceptance by governor, 1.031
Legislative consent to acquisition, 1.02
Proceeds from sales, 14.13
Purchasers of swamplands, rights, 24.14
State concurrent jurisdiction, extent, 1.03 (3)
united states senator UNITED STATES SENATOR
See Congress
university fund UNIVERSITY FUND
Creation, X, 6
How constituted, 24.81
Investment by land commissioners, X, 7, 8
Regents may expend, 36.11 (10)
university hospital and clinics UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL AND CLINICS
Generally, Ch. 233
Applicability of health services statutes, 233.42
Issuance, 233.20
Legal investment, 219.09
Limit on outstanding bonds, 233.27
Not public debt, 233.22
Refunding bonds, 233.26
Security, 233.21
Contractual services agreement with board, 146.59
Creation and organization, 233.02
Duties, 233.03
Appointment, compensation, benefits, 233.10
Bargaining units, 111.05 (5), 111.825 (1m)
Records, closed, 233.13
Strikes and lockouts, 111.115
Lease and affiliation agreements, 233.05
Liability, 233.17
Powers, 233.04
Records, maintenance, 233.12
Board, creation, 15.96
Board of regents:
Control, maintenance and supervision, 36.25 (13g)
Leases and contracts with, 36.11 (28) to (29), 233.04
Building commission authority, 13.48
Charges and room rates, 233.40 (3)
Definitions, 233.01
Hazardous employment pay, 230.36
Indian children, admission, hospital rates, 233.40 (3)
Uniform anatomical gift act, 157.06
Veterans, privileges, 233.41
university regents UNIVERSITY REGENTS
university system UNIVERSITY SYSTEM
Generally, Ch. 36
Academic staff, 36.09 (4m)
Appointments, 36.15
Sick leave, 36.30
Admission policies, 36.11 (3)
Admissions and related matters, information program, 36.25 (36)
Advanced opportunity program, 36.25 (14)
Agricultural and life sciences college:
Agricultural technology and family farm program, 36.25 (30m)
Buildings exempt from code when used for agricultural purposes, 101.05
Demonstration stations, experiments, 36.25 (3)
Drainage district report, 88.11 (5)
Dutch elm disease studies, 36.25 (4)
Seed certifying agency, 94.40
Soils laboratory, 36.25 (9)
Agricultural lands: